Fitness tips Celebrity

So last year I tried to make the loose-weight-get-powerful old stuff so that I could go back into a bikini and break through the walls. You know, they look the same thing as millions of other Americans.

When I started, I naively thought that different things work for different people, and I have to look around and look for different ideas to see what works for me. I was a fool to think about this. After countless self proclaimed fitness fitness experts, there is only one way to prevent premature obesity and death: their way. Among the tips you cried - of websites and titles magazines - are ..

You need to have breakfast

Fitness tips Celebrity

This tip is endowed with one or more all-capped words most of the time, for some reason, as if implying that if you can not eat at BREAKFAST.

Why breakfast so life and death? Well, presumably for one thing, breakfast "restarts your metabolism" and make you burn calories at a faster rate during the day. This is stupid and skiping metabolism through food is not a real thing. In fact, for a group (male athletes) do not eat breakfast really jump-start your system.

Given the other reason for the supreme importance of breakfast, that if you wait until lunch, you are so hungry that you eat the whole buffet, heat lamps and everyone and end up taking more calories throughout the day You have just eaten your poor bread and fruit for breakfast.

Unfortunately, studies show that's not the case. When subjects were asked to skip breakfast, and even both breakfast and lunch, they actually ended up eating the same or fewer calories than when they'd been eating breakfast.

My point isn't that you should skip breakfast. Maybe you are starving at 7 a.m. and feel like crap if you don't eat something. Maybe you do shove your face into the salad bar at lunch and suck everything up like a vacuum if you don't get your morning cereal. Maybe you can't eat when you get up, but you like a snack at 9 a.m. when you get to work. Whatever. All I'm saying is science has proven breakfast will not solve all or any of your major life problems.

You Must Get Your BMI Down

If you've ever tried to get fit, you've probably been introduced to the concept of BMI, or Body Mass Index. The concept is over 100-years old, and is totally showing it. BMI is more or less weight divided by height. If it's above a certain number, you're obese.
 is a big old fatty. You could be 200 pounds of muscle or 200 pounds of fat (give or take some bones and blood or something) and BMI wouldn't know the difference.

That would be bad enough if BMI was just like an astrological sign or penis measurement that you use to brag groundlessly to other people. But it's not just a frivolous vanity stat, it's something that's being used to judge pretty important things, like whether you can apply for a job as a cop or firefighter, certain military jobs, or whether you can undergo surgery.

It might not be exactly the same as evaluating job applicants by reading the length of their lifeline on their palm, but it's pretty close. And do you really want anything to do with a system that has no place for guys like this?

Barefoot Running is Best

One of the hot trends nowadays is barefoot running, which is exactly what it sounds like. (Although some people do it with super-thin sandals or goofy-looking foot protectors.)
The reasoning goes that we evolved to run without shoes. Some dude won the 1960 Olympic marathon barefoot, and there's a tribe in Mexico that's been running hundreds of miles for years wearing only simple thin sandals.

So says the theory that shoes are just a big modern invention, the tricks are the mysterious physics of our feet of the situation.

But most not all of the feet are built for the magical mechanical machine evolution. About 20 percent of adults have flat feet, so they do not even have this bio-mechanical spring bow that our sneakers supposedly suppress.

Do you think people would go, "okay, I'm not talking about you then," but barefoot supporters running are extremely predictable, or to be honest, they feel most are extremely predicative and (irony of fate) inflexible. So, if you have normal feet? Bare feet running the answer. Flat feet? Barefoot ride is the answer, because "to strengthen the muscles" that support your bow. It is not necessary

Other things that will tell you is that everyone runs barefoot against a "siege interest" so you should not listen to your podiatrist because they just want to sell the products only on foot and best professional runners just wear shoes because they are in bed with the money A dirty shoe company.

It can be filtered out enthusiastically because many barefoot runners tend to be barefoot to apologize for running, such as "habit" after years of wrong absence, or even see it as a good sign that they really work They put their muscles on the foot while framing any pain while running in shoes as a sign of damage and doing wrong.

How can people be so sure that stubbornly barefoot is the only way for people to run? He really has a lot of good research to give, I think. Except that there is not even one of the greatest barefoot scientists, this one has to say, dedicated to the bottom of his barefoot running site:

"Please note that we present are data on how people should work if their shoes are injured or if barefoot causes other types of injury. We believe there is a strong need for controlled and prospective studies on these topics I am. "

It seems a really strange ground for people to "This is for every human being" are based on the level of faith.

Oh, the guy who won the Olympic Stadium since 1960 on bare feet? He ran again in 1964 and established a new record ... while wearing his shoes.

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